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Taihang Mountain


Xingtai: The Earliest City in Northern China


Xingtai, nestled at the foothills of the southern Taihang Mountains and the North China Plain, offers a picturesque escape into nature’s embrace,the part of Taihang Mountain distributed in Xingtai City is praised by the United Nations as the most beautiful section of Taihang Mountain. Among its highlights is Tianhe Mountain, a place of dramatic waterfalls, pristine air, unique peaks, and ancient temples. This scenic wonder also cradles the origins of China’s oldest love myth – the tale of Niulang and Zhinv.

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But Xingtai isn't just about natural splendor, Strategically positioned among Hebei, Shanxi, and Shandong provinces, it serves as a vital conduit for regional transport. This geographical advantage has not only shaped its history but also its current role as a pivotal hub in Northern China. Xingtai, with a history spanning over 3,500 years, was the first city in North China. Today, it remains a critical junction, handling an average of 7.5 billion tons of goods each month via truck transport. This bustling activity has turned Xingtai into a key market for truck tires, with diverse terrain necessitating a variety of tire types like high-speed, mountain, and heavy-load tires.

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The city's culinary scene is just as rich, with traditional foods like Guangzong thin pancakes. These unique pancakes, known for their extreme thinness, are a delight to both the eyes and the palate. Weighing only 150g with a diameter of 500mm, they are so thin that you can read a newspaper through them. When paired with beef, onions, and other ingredients, they offer a taste that is as layered and diverse as the city itself.

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