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Mutton Shashlik


Mutton kebab refers to the dishes made from fresh mutton after being strung with bamboo sticks or steel sticks, and is a relatively common barbecue dish.

This dish is popular in northern China.

There are many kinds of barbecue tools according to different methods, such as open fire grilling, charcoal grilling, oven grilling, bamboo grilling, and iron grilling. Commonly used tools for charcoal barbecue include: barbecue stove, carbon, drill rod, knife, fish clip, toothpick, etc. Common carbon on the market includes: flammable carbon, charcoal and machine-made carbon. There is a layer of flammable layer on the surface of the burnable baking charcoal, which is easier to ignite than ordinary charcoal. The disadvantage is that it is more expensive. The advantages of ordinary charcoal are cheap, but the disadvantages are different sizes, uneven firepower, short burning time, and the need to add charcoal during the barbecue. Machine-made barbecue charcoal is made of carbon and coal mixed and pressed into hollow polygon. This kind of barbecue charcoal has uniform size, long burning time, uniform firepower, smokeless and inexpensive price. Many professional barbecue shops choose this kind of barbecue charcoal, which is not suitable for ignition.

Mutton is warm in nature. Eating mutton often in winter can not only increase human body heat and resist cold, but also increase digestive enzymes, protect gastric wall, repair gastric mucosa, help digestion of spleen and stomach, and play an anti-aging role;

Mutton is rich in nutrition, which is of great benefit to tuberculosis, tracheitis, asthma, anemia, postpartum deficiency of both qi and blood, abdominal cold pain, body deficiency and chilliness, malnutrition, waist and knee soreness, impotence and premature ejaculation, and all kinds of deficiency and cold diseases; It has the functions of tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, tonifying deficiency and warming the middle.

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