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Chinese premier sends congratulations on "Icebreakers" 2023 Chinese New Year celebration


BEIJING, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to the "Icebreakers" 2023 Chinese New Year celebration hosted by Britain's 48 Group Club.

In the message, Li said that 70 years ago, visionary people in the British business community broke the ice with great courage and opened the door to China-Britain trade.

At present, the international and regional situations are undergoing complex and profound changes, and geopolitics, world economy, climate change, food and energy security and other fields are facing severe risks and challenges, Li said, adding that when difficulties arise, it is all the more important to carry on the "icebreaking" spirit, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with a pioneering attitude, properly handle contradictions and differences, improve people's wellbeing and achieve mutually beneficial and win-win results.

Li pointed out that China unswervingly adheres to the path of peaceful development, upholds the basic state policy of reform and opening-up, and stands ready to work with all parties to safeguard world peace and promote development and prosperity.

Li said both China and Britain are the permanent members of the UN Security Council and major economies in the world, and maintaining a sound and stable bilateral relationship is in the interests of both sides and the world.

He expressed the hope that the business communities of both countries will continue to make new and greater contributions to China-Britain friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.

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