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Airland Tyre Receives CCPIT Credit Certification to Expand Globally


Airland Tyre is excited to share its recent success in being one of the first companies in Ningxia to get the Basic Credit Certification and Export Brand Certificate from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). This important honor shows our top role in the tire industry and our strong reputation in international trade. The "Dual Certification" given to Airland Tyre boosts our confidence and ability to compete globally.

Also, the training organized by the Ningxia Trade Promotion Committee and the CCPIT Trade Promotion and Exchange Center in 2023 for building credit and brand for foreign trade companies has given Airland Tyre a great chance to learn and network. This opportunity allowed us to gain new industry knowledge and share experiences with other top companies, opening up many chances in the international market.

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Li Peng, Deputy Director of the CCPIT Trade Promotion Center, said, "With this combined certification of overall credit and top export product brands, we want to help companies with CCPIT's strong global influence and trust, pushing for the high-quality growth of Ningxia's foreign trade companies and main export products."

Airland Tyre values this "Dual Certification" and sees it as a chance to keep improving our product quality, making our brand stronger, and growing our part in the international market. We believe, with CCPIT's support, Airland Tyre is ready to start a new chapter in international trade, adding a lot to the growth of an export-focused economy in Ningxia and more.

For more info about our range of truck tires and their special features, visit our Product Page.

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